We are your media group.

Specialists in making a lot of noise!
From our publishing house we always try to differentiate ourselves from the rest of portals and magazines, that's why we generate a lot of our own and unique content on demand, COPYWRITTING.
We select, advise and help our clients in the process of creating a news item with high engagement, we look for the content that most attracts our audience.
This is something that we take very seriously...

About us.
NOISE Comunicación was born as a result of the experience accumulated after almost two decades in the professional sound and lighting sector. Our day to day work as marketing, communication and sales managers for some of the most representative national and international brands is the best guarantee that we are very clear about our path and our mission. We are a completely objective and direct media that cares about offering the best content to our audience. We work every day to add value to the sector.

Our philosophy.
Our philosophy is based on three fundamental pillars, transparency, innovation and training, transparency is fundamental, our clients have the obligation to know at all times the return on their investment, we try to innovate in all the work we do, we have very fruitful working breakfasts, our constant training is key to survive in a constantly evolving environment, search engines and major social networks improve their algorithm almost daily.

How we work.
We break the conventional scheme, we are not a traditional media that is dedicated to publishing news, since our inception we have always sought to merge with the department responsible for the communication of our clients, we work side by side, with humility, respect and enthusiasm, we always seek to contribute our bit, our hallmark, this for us is a pride that we take very seriously, we integrate and seek synergies that drive their projects to success.
We work with you to help you achieve your goals
We put at your disposal all our experience in marketing and communication, we offer a portfolio of services tailored to the needs of your company, no matter the size or your goal, we have the perfect solution for you, from layout and graphic design to the latest trends in SEO-SEM or digital marketing, we are specialists in creating and managing content tailored to specific social profiles in our sector.
We know the formula to make a lot of noise with your product!

Our brands.
We offer you the most complete platform.
Disponemos de un amplio abanico de posibilidades para hacer llegar tu mensaje directamente a tu target, desde plataformas convencionales a otras completamente innovadoras pensadas para sorprender y conseguir un mayor engagement, te ofrecemos seis plataformas únicas y lideres en el sector que garantizaran el éxito de tus campañas ofreciéndote uno de los mejores ROI del mercado.
Our audience is loyal, professional and very demanding, our audience is very dynamic, it has the need to continuously expand its knowledge, renew itself, reinvent itself, train itself, our sector demands a lot of technical information, study of installations, measurements, acoustics, etc...
Our audience is made up of technicians, installers, manufacturers, distributors and specialists in the audiovisual sector.
2023© Todos los derechos reservados, Creado con mucho amor por NOISE COMUNICACION.